Top 5 Worst Costumes to Get Arrested In

Top 5 Halloween Edition

1.) Body full of paint


There are plenty of reasons you don’t want to get arrested in this “costume” but ill give you just one, it gets cold in there, good luck.


2.) Cow Costume


Probably the last thing you want to hear after getting arrested, "Got Milk!?"


3.) Inmate costume


 Now what’s that famous saying… "You get what you ask for"


4.) Police Officer almost got away with it…..




Now, this may not even be a costume but do you ever really want to get caught in this?

     P.S - Don't forget to go out and make your vote count!!!


Chad Williams

Founder of dooProcess


Chad is the founder of dooProcess, a streetwear clothing brand with a social justice theme. Chad was wrongfully arrested back in 2018 and had to experience the criminal justice system first handedly. Today he is now giving back by giving individuals who can be in his position tips from a person who has been in their position.

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